Overpopulation Essay. words 4 page (s) One of the most significant environmental issues facing the world today is overpopulation. According to the Population Reference Bureau, the exact definition of overpopulation is debatable, but it generally refers to a situation in which there are too many people in a single location to be supported by the available resources Over-population is the one of the biggest problem in the world today. Some of scientists warned many countries about this problem. Most of the scientists idea is this world cannot support that many people in next 50 years. We can run out of the sources which people need them to survive · Overpopulation has become one of the main challenging trends over the past centuries. Governments accept the fact that they are no longer capable of managing this problem. According to Rieder, the significant aftermath of this event is that “the Earth will, at some point, be unable to provide for our population, even without more growth” (2)
FREE Overpopulation Essay
Overpopulation has become one of the main challenging trends over the past centuries. Governments accept the fact that they are no longer capable of managing this problem. Commonly proposed ways of solving the problem and treating its current consequences are widely discussed in the literature. The purpose of this paper is to examine the causes and effects of overpopulation, potential threats to society, and the ecosystem, as well as the ways to overcome the problem.
Despite the aging population and downtrend of fertility in European countries, the amount of people is growing because of developing states. For example, the people in Africa is expected to double by Uniyal et al. Scientists provide numerous reasons for overpopulation, which overpopulation short essay historical, sociological, psychological, and other factors Uniyal et al. It is commonly believed that overpopulation is caused by the growth of natality, the decrease of mortality, and migration flows.
Other causes are attributed to cultural and religious beliefs as well as lack of education Farraji et al. Overall, there is a complex set of multiple interrelated reasons that should be examined altogether. Overpopulation carries many environmental and social risks. To cover up the scarcity of food, companies, and farmers are required overpopulation short essay increase production.
Therefore, a fragile balance of the global ecosystem is directly and indirectly threatened by harmful human activities, overpopulation short essay. Uniyal et al. Overpopulation affects the overall well-being of the society: thus, overcrowded urban cities demonstrate high rates of unemployment and unhappiness. There are several ways of reducing the rate of overpopulation, and the main actors responsible for implementing proper policies are the national governments, overpopulation short essay.
Chen suggests that governments should provide citizens with affordable healthcare and social security Actions such as the promotion overpopulation short essay smaller families, gender equality, and education are considered to be effective by the UN Farraji et al. Additionally, young people should have easy access to birth control.
Developing countries must create partnerships with major non-governmental organizations to fight the threat, overpopulation short essay. Including these measures on the agenda may help to reduce poverty and depletion of resources. Sustaining a population remains a great struggle, and it is going to impact the development of society.
Overpopulation is caused by a set of various anthropological and natural reasons, overpopulation short essay. It imposes a massive risk for life on Earth due to the exploitation of natural resources and makes the lifestyle of future generations more challenging. If the issue is not treated, the surplus population will highly likely face the scarcity of food, accommodation, and fresh air and water. However, the situation overpopulation short essay change with the help of a global community overpopulation short essay national governance.
Farraji, Hossein, et al. Rieder, overpopulation short essay, Travis N. Toward a Small Family Ethic: How Overpopulation and Climate Change are Affecting the Morality of Procreation. Springer Nature, Uniyal, Shivani, et al. Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? certified writers online.
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Overpopulation Essay In English -- Effects and Causes of Overpopulation -- Smart Syllabus Essay
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Overpopulation Essay. words 4 page (s) One of the most significant environmental issues facing the world today is overpopulation. According to the Population Reference Bureau, the exact definition of overpopulation is debatable, but it generally refers to a situation in which there are too many people in a single location to be supported by the available resources · Overpopulation has become one of the main challenging trends over the past centuries. Governments accept the fact that they are no longer capable of managing this problem. According to Rieder, the significant aftermath of this event is that “the Earth will, at some point, be unable to provide for our population, even without more growth” (2) · Short Essay on Overpopulation in World ( words) – Essay 1 Overpopulation is the overcrowding of earth due to unregulated population growth of humans. There are many economical and social factors leading to overpopulation. It could result from low mortality rate, high birth rate, illiteracy, lack of family planning, large scale migration etc
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