Sample article analysis and academic journal review You may get assignments similar to this, asking you to critically review a social work or related field's research article: The articles reviewed for this assignment must report the results of someone's research in an area of social research Journal Article Critique Example Author: Political Science / Public Administration Created Date: 1/5/ AM · This research short article analysis is over the article Undergraduate trainee researchers, chosen discovering designs, and standard science research study: A winning combination which is published in the Clearing House Journal and written by Lori Woeste and Beverly Barham. This article can also be found in Week One Electronic Reserve Readings
Critical Analysis of a Journal Article Free Essay Example
The article investigated how the connection between knowledge and learning influenced individuals to think about controversial everyday issues. The analysis included identifying philosophical assumptions, explaining practical significance and applicability, and relating assumptions and methodology to class readings.
Journal Article Analysis. An article in the Journal of Psychology investigated how the connection between knowledge and learning influenced individuals to think about controversial everyday issues. The completion of a questionnaire followed by a series of questions about two controversial issues produced the conclusions of this research paper. Finally, a relationship with post-positivist thinking is established. The premise for the research study by Schommer-Aikins and Hutter engulfed an interest in looking beyond the classroom to see how epistemological beliefs influence the very ordinary people journal article analysis example about contemporary controversial issues.
Prior research focused on the development of epistemological beliefs and influence on thinking in academia p. Accumulating evidence revealed links between epistemological beliefs and higher order thinking.
The authors expanded their research to a larger outside population with varying degrees of education, a wide range of ages as well as diverse life experiences. Most epistemological researchers thought of personal epistemology as a complex, one-dimensional belief Schommer-Aikins, Schommer, in earlier studies, conceived of these beliefs as a system of beliefs, which dwelled at different levels of sophistication.
The working assumption for the questionnaire was it captured default characteristics of four beliefs. Previous studies confirmed the predictive validity of the questionnaire. Following completion of the questionnaire, participants answered open-ended questions about two controversial issues. taking multiple perspectives.
acknowledging the complexity of issues; 3. engaging in flexible thinking; 4. acknowledging the evolving nature of knowledge; 5. questioning omniscient authority; and 6. making decisions in a thoughtful and reflective manner p. Based on results from previous studies on college students, Schommer-Aikins and Hutter developed their hypotheses from the assumption critical thinking about controversial issues engages epistemological beliefs.
They theorized the less individuals believe in simple knowledge, the more likely they engage in higher order thinking p. Stability of knowledge includes issues of the tentativeness of knowledge, so higher order thinking about evolving knowledge and all-knowing authority precludes belief in certain knowledge p. Their final supposition involves the speed journal article analysis example learning or how gradually learning takes place.
This involves the time dedicated to study, they hypothesize the less individuals believe learning is quick or absent, the more likely they display higher order thinking about reflective thinking pp. Applicability Research to broaden knowledge, prove a hypothesis, or search for a new dynamic in the acquisition of knowledge contributes to epistemology.
The scientific community has debated the methodology of the attainment of knowledge since Aristotle, journal article analysis example. Conceiving their study on previous research done about the nature of knowledge and the nature of learning that influences thinking, Schommer-Aikins and Hutter introduced an additional element of contemporary controversial issues encountered in everyday life.
Their research looked to populations outside of academia to support their hypotheses. Generally, they were able to prove a relationship exists journal article analysis example individual beliefs about knowledge and learning and the ability to demonstrate higher order thinking. Education and critical journal article analysis example influence these beliefs p. The nature of knowledge and learning beliefs influence thinking in everyday life. Methodology Kuhn describes a paradigm as the accepted norm of a science.
The standards, rules, and scientific tradition one follows in a particular area of scientific study comprise the paradigm. The study provided information that supported the correlation of epistemological beliefs, learning, journal article analysis example, and higher order thinking. The research supported two of the four proposed hypotheses. None of the epistemological beliefs predicted thinking about omniscient authority or found a correlation between quick learning and time-consuming reflective thinking, journal article analysis example.
The theories not supported warrant further research, journal article analysis example. The inability of the research to support these two hypotheses does not indicate failure, but the possibility of progress in the science Feyerabend, More research, journal article analysis example, possibly journal article analysis example a different perspective could clarify the direction the hypotheses should take.
The supposed failure to journal article analysis example two of the hypotheses must not lead to abandonment of the research project. A heuristic approach may resolve the discrepancies between the hypotheses and the research results. Lakatos expounds that a conjecture, at once refuted can be rescued by an auxiliary hypothesis if normative research journal article analysis example. Positivism and Post-Positivism From a positivist point of view, this research journal article analysis example is invalid.
No observable correlation exists between the hypotheses and the results proclaimed by the researchers. Ayer explains that the declaration of a proposition is just that a declaration.
Positive, observable fact needs to be presented to validate the proposition. Therefore, the conclusion epistemological beliefs influence thinking cannot be empirically proven.
Fortunately, the research study takes place in modern times when hypotheses and ideas expressed do not require concrete observation.
Literature research and direct interaction with experimental participants provide evidence of perception. People endow the world with meaning, so research as presented above has validity to increase understanding of the world. Conclusion The theory behind the Journal of Psychology article theorized a relationship existed between epistemological beliefs and learning and the way people think about everyday controversial issues. Prior epistemological belief research conducted on college students confirmed advanced development of knowledge influences thinking about academic issues.
The authors wanted to produce evidence that is more convincing by conducting research by measuring epistemological beliefs independent of academics and the opportunity of participants to think about issues in their lives as opposed to issues provided by a researcher. The researchers recruited volunteers from a variety of ages, professions, and life experiences, journal article analysis example.
After completing journal article analysis example questionnaire and answering weighted questions, evaluation of the beliefs and thinking of participants produced somewhat mixed results. The study supported two hypotheses and two were not.
The belief in the complexity of knowledge provided multiple perspectives, more flexible thing, and higher order reflective thinking as predicted. The study revealed the critical role the nature of knowledge and learning plays in everyday thinking. Research provides a means to develop knowledge into practice. As Kuhn explained research begins with a paradigm and proceeds to support, refute, or expand on the known. The discovery of unexpected results produces a paradigm shift. According to Feyerabend, the probability of finding fault with a presumed rule is inevitable but does not mean the research has failed.
This study does not fit with the positivist view of scientific research because of lack of empirical evidence, as explained by Ayer. Modern philosophers, such as Kant, are open to evaluating and contemplating ideas and concepts without the necessity of observable phenomena.
The ability to find parallels in the research study and theories presented by the philosophers in the readings provided an excellent opportunity to understand some of the concepts. Free Essays Topics Essay Checker Hire Writer Login. Free essay samples Art Journal Article Analysis. Journal Article Analysis 1 January Hire verified writer.
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