· 10 Lines on Cruelty to Animals Essay in English. 1. Cruelty to animals is the poor and violent treatment towards them. 2. Animal cruelty often leads to painful life and painful death of the creatures. 3. Animal cruelty is a punishable offence, but it is exclusive. blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins · Animal Cruelty. Around the world, in so many contexts, animal cruelty continues to happen. From domesticated pets to wild animals, no animal is safe from cruelty in the hands of brutality. This is why there is an ongoing call, from different advocacy groups and organizations to recognize animal cruelty and stop it from further happening Animal abuse is a behavior that harming animals for other purposes and reasons other than self-protection and survival. This kind of cases is increasing year by year throughout the world every year. There are several factors that contribute to this cruel act
Animal Abuse Essay - Words | Bartleby
Sign up for our free, weekly podcast of featured essays. You can download recent episodes individually, or subscribe to automatically receive each podcast. Learn more. Frequently asked questions about the This I Believe project, educational opportunities and more Did you know that 1,, 1 trillion, billion, million animals die each year from animal abuse? I picked this topic because there is a lot of animal cruelty in the world. I think that this topic is especially important and a lot of people mistreat animals.
I think that people should not be cruel to animals because the animals can have many problems, can die, and can be traumatized for the rest of their life. Most of abused animals have numerous health problems such as heartworm. Most of abused animals will also have behavior problems such as not being housebroken.
Abused animals can also have temper problems like not eating in front of you, and running when you call. Millions of animals are killed unnecessarily each year for different uses, and in different ways, essay on animal abuse. More than 25 million vertebrate animals are used in animal testing such as monkeys, chimpanzees, beagles and other dogs, cats, rabbits, mice, birds, and farm animals for only the latest hair gel or lipstick.
Every year more than 30 million mink, foxes, chinchillas, and other animals are killed on fur farms for things like fur coats, boots, hats rugs, and scarves. Do you think animals should have to suffer everyday like that only for fur coats and lipstick? Animals who have been abused can be traumatized essay on animal abuse the rest of their lives after they have been rescued. They can be afraid to eat with people near.
Sometimes if they feel threatened, they may bite, or growl. Sadly, some animals will have to be put down because they will never be able to live a normal life. Arguments people use who are for animal testing are that medicine would not be possible without the use of animal testing.
Instead of using animals, there could be other alternatives such as something that has the same reactions as humans that is nonliving. Some people say that since the prisons are overcrowded, we should consider animal abuse less important than other crimes. I think that abusing animals is just as important because they are living, and they have feelings.
This crime is just as serious because nothing should have to suffer. In conclusion, animal abuse is wrong because the animals can die, can have many problems, and be affected their whole life. They should not have to suffer everyday. Neither should anything else. They are living things and have feelings just like everybody. If you have problems and need to deal with them, you should not take it out on the animal. Animal abuse is cruel, should not be done and is a horrible act of violence to commit.
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Will Thomas had planned to give up on America and move to Haiti after putting up with decades of bigotry and injustice toward African Americans. Then he decided to give the country one more chance, moving his family to an all-white town in Vermont. Click here to read his essay. No reproduction or excerpting is permitted without written consent.
Should Zoos Exist?
, time: 5:33I Believe That Animal Abuse is Wrong « Natalie | This I Believe

Animal Abuse Essay against animals are considered recognized as indicators of a disease of the psyche that is not limited to animals. Many studies conducted by sociologists and psychologists suggest that animal abuse cases deserve more attention than they get · Animal Cruelty. Around the world, in so many contexts, animal cruelty continues to happen. From domesticated pets to wild animals, no animal is safe from cruelty in the hands of brutality. This is why there is an ongoing call, from different advocacy groups and organizations to recognize animal cruelty and stop it from further happening · Animal abuse is either deliberate abuse or simply the failure to take care of an animal. Either way, and whether the animal is a pet, a farm animal, or wildlife, the victim can suffer terribly. The five types of abuse are neglect, shooting, hoarding, deliberatley fighting and
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