· Essay On Health Care System In Canada: College Paper Sample Canada's social benefit framework is a board of associated medical coverage designs that permits the involvement of every citizen in Canada. It is financed and regulated on commonplace, inside rules set by the blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins Essay On Health Care. Words | 4 Pages. Healthcare is driven by money regardless of if it comes from government or borrowed money. The amount of money needed for healthcare can be taken from census and statistics that determine the need or demand of healthcare services in a certain area (Williams & Torrens, ) · Health care should be free for everyone essay. Free health care is a system that offers quality medical services to all pervy person you can also call this universal health care. The federal government gives it to everybody irrespective of their ability to cover it. The absolute cost of providing quality healthcare makes universal healthcare a sizable cost for authorities
Health Care argumentative Free Essay Sample
Health is wealth. It is more important than the wealth we have. Only when we have a proper health we will able to get the necessary wealth in our life, essay health care. If we do not have a proper health, whatever wealth we have also goes into waste. We will not be able to use even the available wealth without a proper health. This is the reason one should take important care of their health. We should focus more on our health, essay health care.
Then, automatically we will be able to work hard and earn according to the work we have been able to do. Thus, essay health care, health is very important in our life. First, essay health care, people should learn to take care of their health and then focus on other areas of life.
But we taking care of ourselves alone does essay health care matter. We should have the facilities in order to take proper care of our health. We should have easy access to all the health facilities. In order for people to maintain a proper health, they should have proper health care systems. Only then people will be able to take care of their health and get treatment when they are suffering from any sort of sickness. But do we have access to proper health care.
Many of us have easy access to the health care. But for those who have problem to access these health care ultimately lose their life. These days because of unhealthy lifestyle people are getting prone to many sickness and diseases. Due to these reasons, treatment is on the light. But when a person does not get the right treatment there are chances of losing the life, essay health care.
Health care system should be improved and regularly updated. In the previous years, very outdated machines and treatments were used.
They are not still used in the present-day time because diseases these days have taken another turn compared to before. So obviously the treatment should also be changed. There should be proper health care system so that everyone gets the treatment when needed.
They will not have to run helter skelter when they need the treatment in emergency. There are still many places all over the world where there are no health care systems and people have lost their lives.
In order to remain healthy and be free or get treated from different sickness and diseases one essay health care to essay health care access to health care. With time, new diseases are coming into action. More people are getting ill every single day of the life. In order to get diagnosed and treated, health care is needed for the people. Hospitals are needed so that people get treatment when they are suffering from any illness or when they meet with an accident.
Proper treatment of the people will improve their quality of life. If they have a proper life free from any illness, it will give growth in the employment, increase in the economy as essay health care people essay health care be able to essay health care. If people will have access to health care and more hospitals or health care systems are made, there will be growth in the medical sector.
Moreover, the medical sector contributes a lot to the GDP Gross Domestic Product of the country. Proper health care will help people to be free from sickness and their lives will be saved. If the number of lives saved by proper treatment is increased, the death rate will start reducing. The production essay health care the country will increase which will further improve the economy. The number of health care systems in India has increased from the past years.
Facilities have also improved. More primary health centers have been opened in the rural areas as well. In the urban areas the hospitals have also increased with many advanced facilities. Many medical colleges have also been opened so that there are many aspiring doctors to treat the sick people. We can see medical colleges and hospitals almost everywhere. But just opening medical colleges and hospitals alone is not enough. There should be proper treatment in the health care centers and hospitals, essay health care.
The doctors and staff should be dedicated to treat the people. They should not only focus on their benefit. In many hospitals we see that the doctors come late and leave early from their work. They take leave very often. This does not happen.
This will not only lead to reduction in the growth of the medical sector but also many people will be left untreated. It is also seen that in many places the staff are not good.
They do not take proper care of the patients. They behave rudely with the patients and their family members, essay health care. No matter how many new centers and hospitals are made, there are still many people who do not get treatment. They are left untreated and ultimately they lose their life. Another reason why everyone is not able to get proper treatment essay health care because of high population.
Fertility rate is increasing every year and every single day someone gets sick. As there are too many people getting sick there is not enough place in the centers and hospital to diagnose and treat everyone.
In private hospitals there will be rush because everything is according to the numbers and there is limitation, essay health care. But one should go and visit the government hospitals and centers. There is a huge rush everywhere. Essay health care is not even a single proper place to get fresh air. There almost same things are used for every patient. Cleanliness is not maintained properly. Every place is crowded like a fish market.
Some of the staff members are very lazy to work while others are strict for everything. It was the month of March, I had got abscess on my chest. It could not be self treated so I visited a known doctor in a private hospital. The doctor essay health care the abscess and told us that operation would have to be done that day.
So, I was admitted in the hospital. I was kept in the female common ward till the operation time. I was given essay health care water till my operation was started and I was not allowed to eat anything.
As I was in the common ward, essay health care, too many patients were admitted there. The air smelled so foul that I could not even breathe properly. My father came to visit me. As I was in the common ward, he could see me every time he wanted.
So, they asked the staff to shift me to a private room. I realized the private rooms were cleaner than the common wards. Also the staff was more dedicated and caring for the private room patients. Some of them used to take their own sweet essay health care finish their work.
Well, this should not be done. They should not be bias to anyone. Soon, my operation time came and I was taken to the operation room. After that I do not remember anything about the room. I only realized after I was being shifted to my room. I was kept in the hospital for one week. In this week I used to walk around the hospital when I used to get fed up resting in the room.
I realized the hospital needs more doctors and staff. There was no discipline maintained in the hospital, essay health care. The staff should be taking care of all patients. One day some other nurse came to give me an injection. She gave me essay health care in such a way that she is giving it to some non living thing.
It was very painful. I did not like to see such conditions of the hospital. I just wished to be discharged from the hospital and go back home soon.
An Introduction to Health Promotion and the Ottawa charter
, time: 5:47Healthcare Essays: Examples, Topics, Titles, & Outlines

· HealthCare Essay Sample. 05/14/ | George Orwell | |. Here is a descriptive essay on healthcare that is written by experts for the reference purpose. Those who are assigned with such Essay Assignments can use this essay as a sample to complete their assignment on time. This is a three-layered essay format in which the sample is written and thus essay for the students to understand the format of Writing Best blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins · Health Care As human beings, our health and longevity have never been better. Many people today live to years and beyond, and often in good and active health. One of the major reasons for this is better health care and more access to health care for more people Essay On Health Care. Words | 4 Pages. Healthcare is driven by money regardless of if it comes from government or borrowed money. The amount of money needed for healthcare can be taken from census and statistics that determine the need or demand of healthcare services in a certain area (Williams & Torrens, )
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