Sample Literature Review Conclusion #1 ONLUSIONS The purpose of this review was to view the trends in composition studies within the past forty years and see how commentary on student writing has changed and is still changing. It is clear from the research reviewed that evaluative commentary is very immersed and widelyFile Size: KB An effective conclusion is created by following these steps: Restate the thesis: An effective conclusion brings the reader back to the main point, reminding the reader of the purpose of the essay. However, avoid repeating the thesis verbatim. Paraphrase your argument slightly while · Issue a Challenge. Spur your readers on by challenging them in some way. Invite them to prove or disprove your point, or to think about the information you presented in a new and innovative way. Allowing the reader to comment or send a letter to the editor is always a powerful way to end an article
Learn How to Write Conclusions for Articles
The conclusion to a journal article is very important. The conclusion must remind the reader why the article was written in the first place. At the beginning the writer will have argued that there is a space in what is known, a puzzle that needs to be solved, a debate that is continuing, or an issue that deserves discussion.
The writer will have promised to fill the space, solve the puzzle, contribute to the debate or participate in the discussion. The conclusion must reprise the argument that has been made without repeating it ad nauseam. No-one wants to read an article and then read it all over again in the conclusion. The conclusion must be a déjà vu free zone. The conclusion must deal with the So What and Now What questions. who cares? The writer must not leave the answers to these questions to chance, assuming that any sensible reader will be able to work them out for themselves.
They must explicitly say how it is that the article constitutes a contribution to knowledge. They must also address the implications for further research or action. The conclusion must avoid clichés. As how to write a conclusion for an article review conclusion is the last thing that the reader will encounter, its important that they finish with the things that you want them to remember rather than with a sigh or a grimace.
The research raises important questions about … for … As a result of conducting this research, I propose that … It would be fruitful to pursue further research about … in order to … If policymakers were to take this study seriously, they might ….
This sounds very much like what my teacher was trying to explain to us in my final year of French schooling, how to write a conclusion for an article review. So thank you for this post because your approach is infinitely clearer as well as more detailed, informative, concrete and to the point :. Like Like. Reblogged this on Academic Tips and Tricks and commented: I used to really struggle with Intros and Conclusions to essays.
How to write a conclusion for an article review are some great tips on how to write a good conclusion without resorting to cliche. Pat, should a conclusion necessarily be long? If we are able to sum up the argument and contribution vis a vis the literature pithily, in only a few hundred words, is this OK?
So make sure that you cover all the things that arise from the paper, not just summarise the contents. My conclusions are sometimes relatively short too. Thank you for explaining this so eloquently. You are commenting using your WordPress. com account. You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account.
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Skip to content. Home about me my research my books contributions and comments talks and workshops. concluding the journal article Posted on April 6, by pat thomson. The research raises important questions about … for … As a result of conducting this research, I propose that … It would be fruitful to pursue further research about … in order to … If policymakers were to take this study seriously, they might … Share this: Twitter Facebook Pinterest LinkedIn Tumblr Print Email Reddit Pocket.
Like this: Like Loading This entry was posted in academic writingconclusioncontributionjournalnow whatUncategorized and tagged academic writingconclusioncontributionjournal articlePat Thomson. Bookmark the permalink. April 7, at pm. So thank you for this post because your approach is infinitely clearer as well as more detailed, informative, concrete and to the point : Like Like.
Liz Marsden says:. April 18, at am. ruchika says:. October 19, at pm. i m really happy to get conclusion from here it will help me a lot Like Like.
Elaine says:. April 15, at pm. pat thomson says:. Dan says:. September 5, how to write a conclusion for an article review, at pm. Thanks, very useful indeed Like Like. Taiwo says:, how to write a conclusion for an article review. September 23, at am.
It was helpful thanks! Michael Arrington says:. October 13, at pm. Michelle says:. November 11, at am. Thank you — this is exactly the advice I was looking for. Much appreciated. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:.
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How to Write a Conclusion for a Literary Analysis Essay
, time: 7:55How To Write An Article Review, with Sample

An effective conclusion is created by following these steps: Restate the thesis: An effective conclusion brings the reader back to the main point, reminding the reader of the purpose of the essay. However, avoid repeating the thesis verbatim. Paraphrase your argument slightly while First, the conclusion offers a brief review of the main ideas of each topic subsection (generally, only a single sentence long) – this is the summary function of a conclusion. Second, the conclusion finishes with critique + recommendations or just recommendations. If the critique is provided in the body of the paper, then the conclusion need only consist of a summary paragraph and a recommendations Your conclusion should also refer back to your introduction, summarize three main points of your essay and wrap it all up with a final observation. If you conclude with an interesting insight, readers will be happy to have spent time on your writing. See how a professional writer creates a thought-provoking conclusion
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